PH360 Coach
So Much More than EPIGENETICS
As we all know, our bodies are not created equal. We are all individuals and as such it’s important for us to know, and do, what is right for our body. ph360 is the study of Epigenetics with the purpose of creating platforms specific to each and every person, according to their epigenetic profile; providing the information for what they and their body requires to be optimally well. ph360 understands that because not all bodies are created the same, its programmes allow Coaches to deliver targeted recommendations that are right for you, the individual.
So that you can do more of what you love, as a ph360 Client you will discover the Social interactions that will energize you, and those that will drain you. You will learn how to Move your body in a way that feels good, when to work out to gain the most benefit from exercising and what type of movement is best suited to you. Uncover your Brains inherent gifts with specific recommendations for sleeping, breathing, mindfulness, and more. And discover and flourish in your Natural gifts & Talents by learning the activities that will keep you in effortless flow and learn all about your Ideal environment so you may plan trips, and holidays according to your body profile and circadian rhythm. All information determined by your very own genetic profile